Through its commitments, the Synergie Group shows its dedication to human values by supporting acts of citizenship.
The Group also participates to numerous local events and supports initiatives in various fields involving its temporary workers, its clients and employees.
The Synergie Group is deeply committed to the fight against cancer and has taken active steps to contribute to this cause. One notable initiative includes the group's involvement in the acquisition of a surgical robot, which enhances the capabilities of medical professionals in cancer treatment. Furthermore, as a founding member of the Persée Foundation, Synergie actively supports investments in various areas of cancer research.
Synergie Group goes beyond its commitment to the fight against cancer and extends support to a wide range of initiatives dedicated to disease prevention.
The Group is committed to helping people struggling to find employment, from a variety of backgrounds , to enter the professional world.
Synergie Spain is committed to high-level sportsmen and women and is associated with the CAR'Speakers programme, run by the Center of Excellence for Sport Practices (Centro de Alto Rendimiento).
This rewarding partnership sees athletes tell their stories to entrepreneurs and provides training by Synergie when they join a company.
The CAR’ Speakers program serves a twofold purpose: assisting retired athletes in transitioning into the professional sphere and disseminating and tailoring their success models to the business realm.
In this program, Synergie is involved in training these athletes to help them join a company. After a short-lived first career, these men and women need to get their second wind and start a new career.
Patrice Martin is an example of successful reorientation into the Group: After having monopolized the European and global water-skiing podiums for 15 years, Patrice Martin embarked on a more conventional career path at Synergie, where he heads the public relations department and represents the company at all organised events.
The common denominator of many subsidiaries is the involvement of their employees in contributing to the funding of humanitarian associations.
The Acorn subsidiary in the United Kingdom encourages its permanent employees to get involved in charitable causes. They are involved in the CEO Kickabout: an event organised to raise funds for the Football Association of Wales to promote the practice of football.
Synergie Belgium is collaborating with the company “StreetwiZe” to help fund mobile schools to educate children in disadvantaged areas.
In Portugal, our employees take part in charity runs to help raise funds for medical research: Wings For Life.
In France, our employees are highly involved in humanitarian causes:
- Raid 4L Trophy: sports event aimed at contributing school supplies to children in southern Morocco.
- Téléthon, to support the funding of research in genetic diseases
- Sidaction, to help fight AIDS
All these actions demonstrate the commitment and involvement of the Group’s employees
Training, education, and equal access to school for all individuals are fundamental concerns, and Synergie prioritizes these issues in its endeavors.
Synergie Belgium is dedicated to supporting the cause of street children worldwide by partnering with the Mobile School mission. This initiative aims to integrate underprivileged young people into society by bringing education to them through mobile trolleys.
To engage employees and foster a healthy lifestyle, Synergie equips them with pedometers. Upon collectively reaching a milestone of 150,000 kilometers, the financing for a mobile trolley is triggered, further advancing the mission's objectives. By actively participating in this project, Synergie demonstrates its commitment to creating opportunities and promoting education for marginalized youth.
Synergie supports medical research and innovation, for example, the Group contributed to the acquisition of a surgical robot, a cutting-edge medical equipment designed to fight cancer, and has since created the Persée Foundation in collaboration with the Eram Group to help combat this disease.
In addition to supporting medical research, Synergie, through its Portuguese subsidiary, is the main partner of the "Corrida de Perafita-Synergie", a race that promotes healthy behaviors.
In the United Kingdom, our subsidiary Acorn is an advocated for Macmillan Cancer support while in Australia, our subsidiary is involved in several associations and events: Footy Colours Day, Daffodil day and Cancer research support.
Synergie supports medical research and encourages good practices in the health field.